The National Convening will bring together LISC’s local and national staff, Bridges to Career Opportunities and Financial Opportunity Center® staff, key intermediary partners in the skills training and financial stability fields, and key donors. Four days of dynamic, action oriented discussions will take place through trainings, site visits, panel discussions, round tables and breakout sessions. This is an opportunity to learn from other organizations, share best practices and gain valuable insights and tools to drive positive change for our organizations and communities. Together, we can forge new paths and create a brighter, more equitable future for all.


Convening Dates: October 10-13, 2023

Optional Pre-convening: October 10-11
**Pre-registration Required**

Convening Programming: October 12-13

Online Hotel Reservation

Hotel Rate


per night plus taxes(currently 17%)

Reservations must be made by September 11, 2023 in order to receive the group rate. Room block may fill prior to September 11, so please make your reservation in advance.

Book Now

Hilton Indianapolis Hotel & Suites
120 W Market St, Indianpolis, IN 46204

Phone: 317-972-0600


8:00 AM - 5:00 PM


11:00 AM - 12:00 PM


12:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Optional Pre-Conference Training:
Coaching Fundamentals: The Power of Partnership
**Pre-registration Required**

During this session, coaches will explore how change happens in trusting, powerful relationships. Participants will learn how coaches co-create the client partnership, share power, and build trust and safety. The session is designed for coaches with little to no previous coaching training or experience. Participants should expect active engagement in the session, including peer-to-peer practice and small group engagement

Jennifer McClain

Senior Director, Economic Opportunity, Wealth Building and Leadership Development, LISC Chicago

Jennifer McClain is a distinguished community development leader, award-winning author, and nonprofit executive. With a successful history of managing teams and supporting community-focused organizations, Jennifer has spent over two decades honing her craft. Her philosophy is rooted in the belief that individual focus and effective teamwork are crucial components for achieving community economic success. Her talent as a facilitator has allowed her to lead sessions with over 800 participants since 2013.
As the Senior Director of Economic Opportunity, Wealth Building, and Leadership Development at LISC Chicago, Jennifer deploys strong project management skills and fosters leadership to help her colleagues and external partners achieve their goals. She leads the programming and funding strategy for their work in individual economic opportunity, including the network of Financial Opportunity Centers (FOCs). These neighborhood-based centers offer career development and placement, financial coaching, digital skills training, credit building, and income support access. It comes as no surprise that she has been acknowledged as a noteworthy leader in the industry by Crain's Chicago Business.
Jennifer holds a BS in computer science from Dillard University and a joint MBA-MPA from the Keller Graduate School of Management. She is also a graduate of the Allstate Foundation Executive Leadership Program in partnership with Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management and achieved an Executive Scholar certificate in Nonprofit Management from Kellogg. She is also a member of Aspen Institute’s Economic Opportunity Fellows Network and an alumna of the Black Women Leading ™ program.

12:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Optional Pre-Conference Training:
Making the Right Employment Match
**Pre-registration Required**

Are you looking to grow your business relationships? Cold calling isn’t enough! Through this training, learn how to more effectively target potential business contacts and transition them into reliable, long-term partnerships. After attending this training, you will be able to:

  • Strategically target a diverse portfolio of business partners based on program data
  • Provide strong, responsive customer service to meet business partners’ needs
  • Regularly solicit business partner feedback and maintain honest, regular communication
  • Transition your business contacts into business partners
  • Kate Gannon

    Program Manager, Chicago Jobs Council

    Kate Gannon joined the Chicago Jobs Council in 2022 as a Program Manager. In this role, she manages and facilitates training programs for workforce development professionals in order to build organizational capacity. Kate previously worked with the Chicago Botanic Garden’s Windy City Harvest program. She worked with youth and adults in hands-on urban agriculture training programs, leading experiential learning opportunities on the farm and in the classroom. She has developed and facilitated curricula for youth and adults focused on growing social emotional skills, career exploration, and job readiness. In her most recent role as Senior Manager of Workforce Development, Kate led a transitional jobs program employing adults with criminal backgrounds, coaching a team of seasonal crew leaders, and supporting job seekers in reaching their employment goals. She is passionate about green jobs and creating a more sustainable and equitable workforce. Kate currently specializes in facilitating workforce development fundamentals trainings including Recruitment and Enrollment, Making the Right Employment Match, Engaging and Deepening Business Relationships, and Retention In Your Program.

    12:00 PM - 4:00 PM

    Optional Pre-Conference Training:
    Introduction to Entrepreneurial Financial Coaching
    **Pre-registration Required**

    Financial Coaching is a partnership and a collaboration with the entrepreneur. Every participant must understand WHAT role the entrepreneurial financial coach will play and HOW they must show up to support clients in the most meaningful way possible. It’s all about helping the entrepreneur to get and stay motivated to develop a plan to take actions that are in their own best financial interests

    Sandylane Oquendo

    Program Officer, LISC

    In 2002, Sandylane Oquendo left her native land of Puerto Rico to serve our country. She spent over ten years serving in the United States Army as one of the few women with three combat deployment tours in Iraq. In January 2013, Sandylane retired with the rank of Staff Sergeant. Sandylane holds a Bachelor of Applied Arts and Science in Business Occupations and a Master of Business Administration with an emphasis on Management & Leadership from Texas A&M University-Central Texas. She is pursuing an Executive Doctorate of Business Administration Program from Prairie View A&M University.

    12:00 PM - 4:00 PM

    Optional Pre-Conference Training:
    Facilitation Skills & Strategies
    **Pre-registration Required**

    The role of a facilitator is to provide an inclusive and engaging structure for participants to learn and/or come to decisions. While many think of facilitation as an art, there are many concrete skills facilitators can learn and practice to create collaborative, effective spaces. Through this training, attendees will walk away with a better understanding of the facilitator role, their own strengths as a facilitator as well as areas to work on, and engaging methods and strategies they can immediately bring to their next facilitation opportunity.

    Ellen Johnson

    Senior Director, Afton Partners

    Ellen is a seasoned facilitator, capacity-builder, and workforce development expert. As a Senior Director, Ellen leads the build-out of Afton’s workforce development portfolio through facilitation of both state-wide Commissions and local communities of practice, focusing on the development of actionable recommendations that center worker voice and promote equity. Prior to joining Afton, Ellen served as the Director of the Frontline Focus Training Institute at the Chicago Jobs Council. In this role—through curriculum development, best practice research, and coalition building—she led the development of a premier, nationally recognized professional development training program for the workforce development field. Ellen has served as a thought partner and project manager for several strategic capacity building projects across the City of Chicago, including overseeing the revision of a curriculum used within Chicago Public Schools to train school counselors on students’ post-secondary options; supporting a Collective of workforce organizations to serve as a single point of access for employers looking to hire overlooked talent from the south and west sides of Chicago; and developing a combined program delivery model for two merging workforce organizations. Ellen is originally from Des Moines, Iowa and attended Drake University where she received her bachelor’s degree in English Writing and Sociology. She also received master’s degrees in both Social Work and Public Administration from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

    Kaitlyn McGovern

    Director, Afton Partners

    As a Director at Afton, Kaitlyn works to create an equitable and customer-centered workforce development system. This often includes supporting workforce development agencies, policymakers, and providers to identify their challenges and potential solutions through stakeholder research and capacity building. Previously, as Manager of Human-Centered Service Delivery at Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation, Kaitlyn was responsible for implementing a human-centered design approach within Detroit’s public workforce system. She also led professional development efforts for Career Center staff and local policy writing and implementation. Additionally, she served as a contract manager for the LISC Detroit office, which served as the WIOA One Stop Operator. Specifically, Kaitlyn partnered with them to implement financial coaching across the career centers, assess the career center customer experience, and align WIOA titles and mandated partners. Prior to her role at Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation, Kaitlyn served as Program Manager for the Frontline Focus Training Institute at the Chicago Jobs Council where she conducted professional development trainings for frontline workforce development staff and managed a project to train public service systems across the country on the W.K. Kellogg Foundation’s Family-Centered Coaching toolkit. Kaitlyn has her master’s degree from the University of Chicago Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice and her bachelor’s degree in Economics and Community Action and Social Change from the University of Michigan.

    8:00 AM - 9:00 AM


    9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

    Optional Pre-Conference Training:
    Coaching Fundamentals: The Power of Client-Centeredness
    **Pre-registration Required**

    During this session, coaches will explore how an adaptive approach can enhance coaching outcomes.Participants will learn how coaches can honor embodied experience, make coaching accessible, and foster inclusion and belonging. The session is designed for coaches with some level of coaching experience or previous coaching training. Participants should expect active engagement in the session, including peer-to-peer practice and small group engagement.

    Jennifer McClain

    Senior Director, Economic Opportunity, Wealth Building and Leadership Development, LISC Chicago

    Jennifer McClain is a distinguished community development leader, award-winning author, and nonprofit executive. With a successful history of managing teams and supporting community-focused organizations, Jennifer has spent over two decades honing her craft. Her philosophy is rooted in the belief that individual focus and effective teamwork are crucial components for achieving community economic success. Her talent as a facilitator has allowed her to lead sessions with over 800 participants since 2013.
    As the Senior Director of Economic Opportunity, Wealth Building, and Leadership Development at LISC Chicago, Jennifer deploys strong project management skills and fosters leadership to help her colleagues and external partners achieve their goals. She leads the programming and funding strategy for their work in individual economic opportunity, including the network of Financial Opportunity Centers (FOCs). These neighborhood-based centers offer career development and placement, financial coaching, digital skills training, credit building, and income support access. It comes as no surprise that she has been acknowledged as a noteworthy leader in the industry by Crain's Chicago Business.
    Jennifer holds a BS in computer science from Dillard University and a joint MBA-MPA from the Keller Graduate School of Management. She is also a graduate of the Allstate Foundation Executive Leadership Program in partnership with Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management and achieved an Executive Scholar certificate in Nonprofit Management from Kellogg. She is also a member of Aspen Institute’s Economic Opportunity Fellows Network and an alumna of the Black Women Leading ™ program.

    9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

    Optional Pre-Conference Training:
    Engaging and Deepening Business Relationships
    **Pre-registration Required**

    Are you looking to grow your business relationships? Cold calling isn’t enough! Through this training, learn how to more effectively target potential business contacts and transition them into reliable, long-term partnerships. After attending this training, you will be able to:

  • Strategically target a diverse portfolio of business partners based on program data
  • Provide strong, responsive customer service to meet business partners’ needs
  • Regularly solicit business partner feedback and maintain honest, regular communication
  • Transition your business contacts into a business partner
  • Kate Gannon

    Program Manager, Chicago Jobs Council

    Kate Gannon joined the Chicago Jobs Council in 2022 as a Program Manager. In this role, she manages and facilitates training programs for workforce development professionals in order to build organizational capacity. Kate previously worked with the Chicago Botanic Garden’s Windy City Harvest program. She worked with youth and adults in hands-on urban agriculture training programs, leading experiential learning opportunities on the farm and in the classroom. She has developed and facilitated curricula for youth and adults focused on growing social emotional skills, career exploration, and job readiness. In her most recent role as Senior Manager of Workforce Development, Kate led a transitional jobs program employing adults with criminal backgrounds, coaching a team of seasonal crew leaders, and supporting job seekers in reaching their employment goals. She is passionate about green jobs and creating a more sustainable and equitable workforce. Kate currently specializes in facilitating workforce development fundamentals trainings including Recruitment and Enrollment, Making the Right Employment Match, Engaging and Deepening Business Relationships, and Retention In Your Program.

    9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

    Optional Pre-Conference Training:
    Understanding the FFT™ Performance Report and Creating Custom Salesforce Reports for Data Analysis
    **Pre-registration Required**

    In this training, we will dive into the process of understanding the FFT™ Performance Reports and creating custom Salesforce reports to analyze data. We will explore the essential components of the performance report, how to interpret the data presented, and leverage it to gain meaningful insights. During the session, we will provide hands-on examples and demonstrations using relevant data sets and reporting tools. You will have the opportunity to practice analyzing data, selecting relevant metrics, and creating customized reports based on specific scenarios or business cases. By the end of the session, you will have gained a solid understanding of the FFT™ Performance Report, data analysis techniques, and the process of creating Salesforce custom reports. You will be equipped with practical skills to interpret data effectively, derive meaningful insights, and present information in a clear and compelling manner through custom reports. Training Requirement: Attendees are required to bring a laptop to the training

    Carolina Rendon

    Senior Program Officer, LISC

    Carolina has over fifteen years of experience working in nonprofits in the Chicago area, including in grants management, data evaluation, contract regulations, fiscal management, programmatic design, and CRM administration. Carolina supports multiple LISC national programs including the Financial Opportunity Center® (FOC) Network, Business Development Center (BDO) Network, and the Entrepreneurs of Color Fund (EOCF) as the Salesforce System Administrator managing over 800 users. In addition, Carolina provides the FOC network with technical assistance and model implementation support. Carolina holds a dual bachelor’s degree from the University of Illinois at Chicago in finance and management and is a Certified Salesforce Administrator.

    Lorena Avillaneda

    Assistant Program Officer, LISC

    Lorena is a Houston native with over 7 years of experience in the nonprofit sector. Having served as a workforce coach and in community engagement roles, Lorena’s work is driven by her passion for strengthening communities. Lorena supports multiple LISC National programs including the Financial Opportunity Center® (FOC) Network, Business Development Center (BDO) Network, and the Entrepreneurs of Color Fund (EOCF) by providing Salesforce user management, technical assistance, training, grant reporting, and data visualization/analysis support. Lorena graduated from the University of Houston with a bachelor’s degree in Human Development & Family studies and earned a credential as a Certified Nonprofit Professional (CNP). In her free time, you will find Lorena rock climbing, playing soccer, and having multiple active ferments in her kitchen (sourdough, sauerkraut, and vinegar).

    9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

    Optional Pre-Conference Training:
    SNAP E&T
    **Pre-registration Required**

    This session is for FOCs and Bridges partners that have participated in the LISC SNAP Employment & Training (E&T) Technical Assistance cohorts. This will be an opportunity to check back-in on your progress towards SNAP E&T partnerships and/or your current SNAP E&T program, and receive additional support and technical assistance from our experts at Seattle Jobs Initiative and LISC Rhode Island. We will also use this time to do deeper dives into two priority topics for the program across the country: equity in E&T and alignment with broader workforce systems.

    Julia Brown

    Senior Program Officer, LISC

    Julia provides technical assistance, grants management and program support to LISC’s Financial Opportunity Center® and Bridges to Career Opportunities networks, with a focus on workforce development and digital equity and inclusion. She currently leads LISC’s SNAP Employment & Training initiative that connects Financial Opportunity Center® to sustainable federal funding to build capacity and better serve community members. Julia has over 10 years of experience in nonprofit and corporate responsibility, including direct service, program and grant management, capacity building and cross-sector partnerships. She holds a BA from Lafayette College and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration with a focus on Public and Nonprofit Performance Measurement from Rutgers University-Newark.

    Claudia Staniszewski

    Program Officer, LISC Rhode Island

    Claudia Staniszewski has worked with LISC Rhode Island for 18 years, focusing much of that time on addressing wealth equity. As Program Officer for Economic Development, Claudia Staniszewski provides operating support, training and technical assistance to a coalition of Business Service Organizations. As a part of this work, she oversees LISC’s Kiva investments, a micro-loan crowdfunding platform for small businesses. She also manages LISC’s Financial Opportunity Centers (FOCs). These Centers provide integrated services that improve the financial bottom line for low-income individuals. Claudia directed the design, piloting and expansion of the SNAP Employment and Training (SNAP E&T) program for the state. She is now working with LISC National to help LISC Financial Opportunity Centers from other states to become SNAP E&T providers.

    Claudia Staniszewski served as the Executive Director of the Cape Cod Center for Sustainability in Massachusetts. She was also co-founder and Co-Executive Director of Sustainable Community Initiatives in Washington DC. Before her transition into community development, she worked in biochemical research at Duke University. Claudia holds a BA in Chemistry from Bard College and an MA in Architecture from North Carolina State University's School of Design.

    Sue Leonardi

    Program Officer, LISC Rhode Island

    Sue Leonardi is a Program Officer for the Income and Wealth Building (IWB) program. She performs the Compliance Monitoring for the SNAP E&T subcontractors, providing technical assistance to those groups to ensure that they receive the support they need to achieve and maintain compliance with government funding rules and guidelines, as well as the Section 4 Capacity Building program. She also trains the RI office staff and other local offices in Compliance Monitoring. Sue manages the SNAP E&T program for the RI office.
    Sue holds a Bachelor’s degree in Community Development from Roger Williams University. Before joining LISC in 2014, Sue was the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Home Repair Program Coordinator for the Towns of Johnston and North Providence for nine years, as well as assisting the Johnston Town Planner.
    Sue is the proud mother of five children, ages 23-35, and grandmother to six beautiful grandbabies. When she is not spending time with her family, Sue enjoys creative pursuits such as scrapbooking, knitting, baking and crafting. In a past life, Sue’s consistency, professionalism, and keen ability to understand and enforce the rules worked for her when she spent several months employed as a poker dealer in a casino.

    Samantha Poster

    Senior Consultant, Seattle Jobs Initiative

    Samantha Poster is a Senior Consultant at Seattle Jobs Initiative working primarily with SNAP Employment & Training across the nation. Through this work she provides support and assistance to state agencies, human service programs, colleges and community-based organizations to design, implement and launch SNAP E&T Programs using best practices while centering equity to assist participants navigate social service systems that impact them.

    Susan O’Callaghan

    Senior Consultant, Seattle Jobs Initiative

    Susan O’Callaghan is a Senior Consultant at Seattle Jobs Initiative. She draws from over a decade of experience as a SNAP E&T provider to support state agencies and workforce organizations in developing thoughtful assessment and planning processes to ensure they are well positioned to become effective SNAP E&T partners.

    12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

    Break / Lunch on Your Own

    1:00 PM - 5:00 PM


    Pre-registration is required for the site tours. Guests who wish to join the tours but do not RSVP along with their meeting registration should alert the LISC staff who will be serving as bus captains in the hotel lobby and bus-loading area between 1:00 and 1:15 p.m. We will accommodate “standby” tour participants on a space-available basis.

    5:00 PM - 5:30 PM


    5:30 PM - 7:00 PM


    All attendees are invited for refreshments and snacks and a chance to meet their colleagues.

    Dinner on Your Own

    7:30 AM - 5:00 AM


    8:00 AM - 9:00 AM


    9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

    Opening Plenary: Where We’ve Been, Where We’re Going

    Join us for our opening session where we will share our story and chart our path forward. In this plenary, we will reflect on the history of the Financial Opportunity Center® (FOC) model and how it has brought us to where we are today. Welcoming remarks will be offered by Dr. Hampton, Executive Director of Indianapolis LISC, Lisa Price of Wells Fargo will share the importance of the FOC model and program, and we will conclude with a panel on the future of our career pathways program, Bridges to Career Opportunities.

    speaker headshot

    Scarlett Andrews
    Deputy Mayor of Economic Development for the City of Indianapolis.

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    Lisa Price
    Lead Financial Access and Asset Building Program Manager, Wells Fargo Foundation’s Financial Health Philanthropy Team

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    Dr. David Hampton
    Executive Director, LISC Indianapolis

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    Katrin Sirje Kärk
    Director of Workforce Innovations, LISC

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    Soren Chamorro Gonzalez
    Director of La Plaza’s Latino Opportunity Center

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    Silvana Bastante
    Program Officer, LISC Boston

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    Joseph Ceasar
    Executive Director, Legacy Institute for Financial Education (LIFE)

    speaker headshot

    Laura D’Alessandro
    Director of Financial Health, LISC

    speaker headshot

    Betsy Conway
    Director, Lowe’s Foundation

    10:30 AM - 10:45 AM


    10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

    BREAKOUT I: Making a Mosaic: Putting Together the Pieces of an Employer-Backed Bridges Site

    LISC’s Bridges to Career Opportunities (Bridges) model was created to solve a common Catch-22 across America: employers face a shortage of skilled workers, while jobseekers often lack the skills needed to qualify for jobs that pay well and offer opportunities for growth. Like all Bridges sites, the Mosaic Center for  Work, Life + Learning strives to bridge that gap—but with a unique focus on connecting unemployed and underemployed residents of Indianapolis with promising jobs in the healthcare industry.

    Established in 2021 as a community-based unit within Indiana University Health, the Mosaic Center is uniquely positioned to help its members start and grow their careers with one of Indiana’s largest employers. But despite this advantage, the early years of implementation have come with their fair share of challenges.

    Join the Mosaic Center team along with leaders from IU Health and the IU Health Foundation for this fascinating exploration of how and why the Mosaic Center was created, the pros and cons of an employer-backed model, and valuable lessons learned that can be applied to your work.


    • Learn about the pros and cons of implementing an employer-backed job training model

    • Understand the challenges associated with embedding a training program into an employer setting

    • Identify specific actions you can take to develop a similar employer-embedded partnership in your geographic region

    Cassandra Tice

    Director, Grants, IU Health Foundation

    As Grants Director, Cassandra leads grant fundraising strategies for the statewide IU Health system from private foundations, corporations, and government agencies. In her previous role, she steered a three-year process that led to an $8 million grant to support the creation of the Mosaic Center for Work, Life + Learning. Prior to joining the IU Health foundation, Cassandra worked as the manager of foundation and government relations for The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis and was an AmeriCorps VISTA at the Indiana Youth Institute. She holds an MA in philanthropic studies from the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy and a BA in professional writing and creative writing from Purdue University.

    Jessi Crouse, CRT, LSGS

    Manager, Talent Acquisition, IU Health

    Jessi joined the IU Health team in 2022 as a Talent Acquisition manager on the Non-Clinical Team, where she is primarily responsible for recruiting quality candidates and filling vacant, non-patient facing roles for the entire IU Health system. These positions include Revenue Cycle Services, Food & Nutrition Services, Environmental Services, Supply Chain, and more—all priority areas for the Mosaic Center. Fluent in both English and Spanish, Jessi holds degrees from IUPUI in Spanish and intercultural/multicultural and diversity studies and is actively pursuing a master’s degree in organizational leadership through Southern New Hampshire University.

    David Dalton

    Partnership Liasion, Mosaic Center

    In his role as Partnership Liaison, David builds and manages collaborative relationships with a range of partners that support the Mosaic Center’s mission, including nonprofits, schools, universities, and workforce/economic development organizations. He also works to engage a variety of teams and units within IU Health and other healthcare providers to build career pathways in clinical and non-clinical occupations. David brings more than a decade of experience in workforce development and training, including a variety of coaching and leadership roles in both the public and private sectors. He holds a Bachelor of Arts from Indiana University and a master’s degree in leadership & management from Western Governor's University Indiana.

    LaKenya Chancey

    Financial Coach, Mosaic Center

    LaKenya believes that stability can be realized for every household through wise financial management, regardless of income, and works to guide Mosaic Center members to set and achieve their own financial goals. She asks powerful questions, actively engages, and maintains a repository of financial tools to be leveraged by each member as they chart their own paths forward. As a financial coach, she draws on a diverse range of work and life experiences each day, including innovative grassroots organizational development, responsive customer service, and diligent advocacy for positive change.

    Jeffery Burgin

    Career Coach, Mosaic Center

    As a career coach, Jeffery leverages his strengths as a communicator and bridge-builder to support Mosaic Center members along their individual, goal-oriented career journeys. He joined the Mosaic Center team in 2022 following nearly a decade of community engagement and advocacy work in municipal government, during which time he pursued his passions by advocating for underserved populations, contributing to the foundation of new neighborhood groups, organizing events and programs, and helping to guide community redevelopment projects while leveraging the voices of community members.

    10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

    BREAKOUT II: How to use the FFT™ Performance Report to Manage your FOC

    The FFT™ Performance Report may be overwhelming for those who are unfamiliar with it. However, over time and with practice, this report can become a valuable tool for managing and evaluating your program. Through hands-on practice, this session will help you gain familiarity and confidence in how to use the FFT™ Performance Report to manage program performance at your FOC.

    Carolina Rendon

    Senior Program Officer, LISC

    Carolina has over fifteen years of experience working in nonprofits in the Chicago area, including in grants management, data evaluation, contract regulations, fiscal management, programmatic design, and CRM administration. Carolina supports multiple LISC national programs including the Financial Opportunity Center® (FOC) Network, Business Development Center (BDO) Network, and the Entrepreneurs of Color Fund (EOCF) as the Salesforce System Administrator managing over 800 users. In addition, Carolina provides the FOC network with technical assistance and model implementation support. Carolina holds a dual bachelor’s degree from the University of Illinois at Chicago in finance and management and is a Certified Salesforce Administrator.

    Lorena Avillaneda

    Assistant Program Officer, LISC

    Lorena is a Houston native with over 7 years of experience in the nonprofit sector. Having served as a workforce coach and in community engagement roles, Lorena’s work is driven by her passion for strengthening communities. Lorena supports multiple LISC National programs including the Financial Opportunity Center® (FOC) Network, Business Development Center (BDO) Network, and the Entrepreneurs of Color Fund (EOCF) by providing Salesforce user management, technical assistance, training, grant reporting, and data visualization/analysis support. Lorena graduated from the University of Houston with a bachelor’s degree in Human Development & Family studies and earned a credential as a Certified Nonprofit Professional (CNP). In her free time, you will find Lorena rock climbing, playing soccer, and having multiple active ferments in her kitchen (sourdough, sauerkraut, and vinegar).

    10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

    BREAKOUT III: Advancing Equity in Programs and Services

    This session will invite attendees to explore ways they can increase equity in their employment and training services; often through modifications made at the program and tactical level, to improve access and outcomes for the people their programs intend to serve.

    Seattle Jobs Initiative Senior Consultants, Susan O’Callaghan and Samantha Poster will introduce an assessment tool designed to help identify areas in your employment and training program where there is opportunity to increase equity and how this assessment tool can be incorporated into a continuous process of Program assessment to help programs meet their goals for increasing equity

    Samantha Poster

    Senior Consultant, Seattle Jobs Initiative

    Samantha Poster is a Senior Consultant at Seattle Jobs Initiative working primarily with SNAP Employment & Training across the nation. Through this work she provides support and assistance to state agencies, human service programs, colleges and community-based organizations to design, implement and launch SNAP E&T Programs using best practices while centering equity to assist participants navigate social service systems that impact them.

    Susan O’Callaghan

    Senior Consultant, Seattle Jobs Initiative

    Susan O’Callaghan is a Senior Consultant at Seattle Jobs Initiative. She draws from over a decade of experience as a SNAP E&T provider to support state agencies and workforce organizations in developing thoughtful assessment and planning processes to ensure they are well positioned to become effective SNAP E&T partners.

    10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

    BREAKOUT IV: Disability Inclusion Strategy and Implementation

    This interactive session will focus on disability inclusion and a Detroit FOC - Wayne Metro CAA and their journey toward ensuring staff are equipped with the knowledge, tools and resources to serve persons with disabilities. Presenters from LISC Detroit and Wayne Metro will define persons with disabilities and disability inclusion as well as discuss the prevalence of this population in our programs. Wayne Metro CAA will share their journey towards better serving persons with disabilities and attendees will walk away with concrete ideas for advancing their organization’s disability inclusion strategy.


    • Create a shared understanding of “persons with disabilities” and “disability inclusion”

    • Participants will learn from Wayne Metropolitan Community Action Agency’s disability inclusion strategy & implementation

    • Participants will walk away with a template for how their organizations can develop a disability inclusion strategy

    Jacqueline Burau

    Director, Economic Opportunity, LISC Detroit

    Jacqueline Burau, Director, Economic Opportunity, provides strategic leadership of LISC Detroit’s Economic Development framework, which integrates strategies that develop talent, districts, and businesses with the goal of creating the conditions for economic and racial equity in the communities where we work. This includes empowering people by developing their talent, transforming places by driving revival of commercial districts & fostering a robust small business ecosystem. Member of the Detroit Workforce Leadership Academy, part of the Economic Opportunities Fellows Network, facilitated by the Aspen Institute Economic Opportunities Program. Holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Oakland University.

    Kiara Conway

    Assistant Program Officer, LISC Detroit

    Kiara Conway, Assistant Program Officer, supports LISC Detroit’s Economic Development framework with a focus on workforce and asset building. This includes providing technical assistance to partners and stakeholders to align and coordinate services to increase LISC’s impact related to workforce and financial stability as well as data analysis to inform program innovation and enhancement. Holds a Master of Education and a Bachelor of Arts from Grand Valley State University.

    Angela Benifield

    Assistant Director of Projects, Wayne Metropolitan Community Action Agency

    With a strategic vision, innovative problem-solving skills, and a wealth of operational expertise, Angela oversees multiple programs aimed at empowering individuals and families, consistently achieving high-performing outcomes. Over her 15-year tenure at Wayne Metro, Angela has been instrumental in building and leading high-performing teams, conceptualizing and implementing innovative programs and projects, driving organizational growth and efficiency, and fostering a culture of collaboration. Additionally, with more than two decades of experience as a Financial Professional, Angela proudly serves on the Board of Directors for the Community Economic Development Association of Michigan (CEDAM), where she holds the position of Treasurer on the Executive Committee for Region 6-Detroit. Angela's academic achievements are equally remarkable, as she holds a Master of Business Administration with a specialization in Human Resource Management from Capella University, graduating with Summa Cum Laude honors. Angela's dedication to excellence and her multifaceted leadership make her a standout figure in the field of community development and innovation.

    Sitara Govender

    Innovative Programs Director, Wayne Metropolitan Community Action Agency

    Sitara Govender is an experienced community action professional skilled in program design and evaluation. She leads the Innovation Lab Department at Wayne Metropolitan Community Action Agency, focusing on innovative and transformative approaches to programming. Sitara is passionate about maximizing impact within communities through the lens of human-centered design. She holds a Master of Science and Bachelor of Science from Madonna University.

    10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

    BREAKOUT V: Behavioral Science and Coaching: Designing for Success

    Ever wondered why someone didn't do something that seemed so obvious to you? Why your client keeps failing to show up for their appointments? Why they still haven't opened that savings account to start building emergency savings? Why your staff haven't implemented new tools you've given them? This engaging and interactive session will explore how research about human behavior can be applied throughout a Financial Opportunity Center - leading to better outcomes for clients, staff, and leadership. We'll dive deep into drivers of motivation and what gets in the way of our best intentions. You will leave this session with at least one concrete strategy - rooted in behavioral science - that you can implement in your own work and life.


      •Understand what behavioral science is and how it can be applied in a coaching context •Learn specific methods for incorporating behavior science concepts into your practice •Understand why behavioral science principles are useful for supporting long-term behavior change
    speaker headshot

    Mariel Beasley
    Co-founder, Common Cents Lab

    12:00 PM - 12:30 PM


    12:30 PM- 1:45 PM

    Afternoon Plenary: Asset Building Over Time

    LISC is focused on closing the racial wealth gap by helping communities build assets. At our FOC partners, staff are supporting clients in building wealth - whether that means working on saving $5/month, working on buying a home, or something else. Asset building is a continuum or a journey, and LISC is here to support clients in reaching their goals, wherever they might be in that journey. In this plenary session, hear multiple viewpoints from LISC staff and close partners – Rocket Community Fund, SER Metro, and Fannie Mae – on how we are working to close the racial wealth gap.


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    Rob Lockett
    Team Leader, Rocket Community Fund

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    Kandis Williams
    Executive Director, LISC Cleveland

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    Seung Kim
    Senior Vice President, National Programs, LISC

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    Veronica Sanchez Peavey
    Senior Assistant Vice President of Adult Services and Regional Director, SER Metro-Detroit, Jobs for Progress, Inc.

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    Patrick (P.J.) McCarthy
    Vice President of Affordable Lending and Housing Equity, Fannie Mae

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    Laura D’Alessandro
    Director of Financial Health, LISC

    1:45 PM - 2:00 PM


    2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

    BREAKOUT I: Introduction to Trauma & Resilience

    The session will define toxic stress and trauma, discuss the prevalence of these mental health conditions in society and in workplace, explain the neuroscience of trauma and resilience, and introduce resilience-building strategies at the personal, organizational, and community levels, with a specific focus on staff self-care strategies.


    • Understand definitions of toxic stress and trauma as well as their prevalence

    • Identify resilience building strategies to be used with clients and yourself

    • Practice applying resilience building strategies through case study examples

    Patricia Maguire, LCSW

    Macro Social Worker and Senior Policy Associate, Corporation for a Skilled Workforce

    Patricia is a macro social worker and Senior Policy Associate with CSW’s Trauma and Resilience at Work team. The CSW Trauma and Resilience at Work team advances workplaces and workforces that are culturally responsive, trauma-informed, resilience-building, and supportive of mental well-being. CSW works with partners and stakeholders to reduce the stigma of trauma and mental health in workforce development and the workplace; educate employees at all levels within organizations on trauma, resilience, and mental health; advance trauma-informed, resilience-building, and mental health supportive organizations and companies; and promote policies and systems that codify and sustain this work.

    Patricia has over fifteen years of experience in workforce development in various roles including as a funder, direct service provider, employer, capacity builder, and technical assistance provider. Most recently, she was an Associate Director at Jobs for the Future (JFF), where her projects focused on inclusive apprenticeship and work-based learning models. Prior to JFF, Patricia managed the Commonwealth Workforce Coalition (CWC), a statewide capacity building program providing training, professional development, and peer learning opportunities for workforce staff. Patricia was also a Program Officer at SkillWorks at the Boston Foundation, a workforce funding collaborative. Her first workforce role was as an employment coordinator in a supported work program for adults with mental illness.

    Rachel K. Whilby, Ed. M

    Research Associate, Corporation for a Skilled Workforce

    Rachel is a Research Associate on the Research and Evaluation team at CSW. She also serves on CSW’s Trauma and Resilience at Work team as an evaluator and presenter. Specifically, Rachel has delivered workshop trainings for the Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation Trauma-Informed Care Project and presented at the National Association of Workforce Development Professionals Annual Conference as well as the California Workforce Association Meeting of the Minds Conference.

    Rachel’s background is in K-12 education. Prior to CSW, Rachel served as a classroom teacher and Coordinator of Diversity at The Windward School, a nationally recognized independent school located in New York specializing in educating students with language-based learning disabilities. Most recently, Rachel helped open Fusion Academy Buckhead (Atlanta, GA), a one-to-one education program for non-traditional learners in grades 6 – 12, as the Assistant Director and Academic Dean.

    Rachel attended Emory University where she double majored in Educational Studies and Sociology. She holds advanced degrees in Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation and Sociology and Education from Boston College Lynch School of Education and Columbia University Teachers College, respectively.

    2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

    BREAKOUT II: Deep Dive on Skills-Based Approaches: Moving from Intent to Action

    Equip yourself with the latest tools and techniques to help workforce leaders including employers, career coaches, and more move to skills-based practices. Join Bill Turner, Chief Program Officer at the Markle Foundation, for a workshop to learn how to champion a skills-first approach; from writing a skills-based job description to leading organization-wide change. He will share actionable takeaways including access to free tools and training.


    • Understand the benefit of skills-based approaches

    • Learn concrete practices for helping employers and job se

    2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

    BREAKOUT III: Enhancing FOC Impact with Asset-Based Approaches

    Asset-based storytelling is a tool that can be used to strengthen the FOC model while promoting the power and potential of our communities. Join this workshop to get turn-key insights about how you can conduct more effective success story interviews, recognize and avoid problematic community development narratives, and support clients to tell their own asset-based story in interviews and beyond. 


    • Understand what Asset-Based story-telling is and its importance in our work

    • Gain practice using open-ended questions to best highlight community members, their successes, and the effectiveness of our programs

    • Identify how you can support clients in crafting their own asset-based stories to use while interviewing and networking

    • Recognize the impact different community development narratives can have

    Thomas Brande

    LISC Program Officer, Communications

    Thomas Brande executes marketing campaigns for LISC’s Economic Development and Family Income & Wealth Building teams. This includes managing grant-related success stories, program highlights, social & traditional media, FOC newsletters, and media other promotional content. He also leads high-level program communications strategy development to effectively share the impact of LISC’s work. Thomas is a member of the Economic Development Groups’ DEIJ Committee, furthering workplace culture and the effectiveness of our community-based initiatives.

    Thomas has over nine years of experience as a communications professional, serving at non-profit organizations on the local, regional, and international levels. He is passionate about magnifying the voices of community members and creating a more equitable society through his work. Most recently, he acted as Marketing and Communications Manager at Phipps Neighborhoods, a community development organization based in the South Bronx. Thomas holds a Bachelor’s in Peace and Justice Studies and a Master’s in Public Communications from Fordham University. He currently lives in Queens, New York with his family.

    2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

    BREAKOUT IV: Integrating Housing Services in the FOC Model

    This session will provide information on how the Financial Opportunity Center® (FOC) model can be leveraged with housing services. The session will feature FOC partners integrating housing services and participants will walk away with considerations for supporting housing stability and homeownership for their clients.


    • Communicate the importance of supporting client’s housing goals – whether it’s finding stable housing, homeownership, or something else

    • Share learnings from current FOCs integrating housing services within the FOC model

    • Inspire ideas for how to integrate housing services within the FOC model

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    Julio Pensamiento
    Strategic Partnership Manager, Center for Changing Lives

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    Cheryl Peterson
    Advisor, Affordable Lending , Fannie Mae

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    David McGee
    Executive Director of Build Wealth Minnesota

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    Sandylane Oquendo
    Program Officer, LISC

    3:15 PM - 3:30 PM


    3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

    Table Talks

    Choose your own discussion group in this interactive format. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in two discussions during the session. Discussion topics include: facilitating behavior change, embedding digital literacy in the FOC model, reporting best practices, creating and using custom reports to ensure data and program integrity, exploring pathways to entrepreneurship as a second chance, serving refugee populations, using Mogli texting for client engagement and retention, full CFA completion in the first session, best practices for integrating the ARC tool, bridges to green trades, developing new in-demand career pathways training, and leveraging a coaching POD approach with the service integration model.

    Dinner on Your Own

    7:30 AM - 12:00 PM


    8:00 AM - 9:00 AM


    9: 00 AM - 10:00 AM

    PLENARY: Digital Inclusion

    While the digital divide has been a challenge for decades, the COVID-19 pandemic magnified the effects of digital skills and access gaps and super-charged the imperative to make sure all of our communities and their residents have access to high-speed broadband, devices that meet the diverse needs of a household—and the digital skills and confidence to succeed in careers, personal finance management, and civic life. This session will explore ways that the Financial Opportunity Center®/Bridges to Career Opportunities network is tackling digital connectivity, access, and digital skilling in partnership with visionary leaders and supporters across the field.

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    Katrin Sirje Kärk
    Director of Workforce Innovations, LISC

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    Shanika McClelland McClelland
    Wealth Building and Community Development Program Officer, LISC Virginia

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    Sitara Govender
    Innovation Programs Director, Wayne Metropolitan Community Action Agency

    10:00 AM - 10:30 AM


    10:30 AM - 11:45 AM

    BREAKOUT I: Bringing New Training Opportunities to Market

    Learn how Mary Rigg Neighborhood Center introduced a new cutting-edge training certification (Part 107 Federal Drone Pilots License) into their local market with partner, Triple T Academy. The session will cover the drivers for developing this training option (suitability for side gig work, high earning potential), program development, and training delivery. Lessons learned by FOC staff, the training provider, and graduates of the program will be shared.


      • Understand the benefits and challenges of the Mary Rigg Neighborhood Center Drone Pilot training program

    • • Consider lessons learned when starting a new training program

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    Andrew Lee
    Director of Workforce, Mary Rigg Neighborhood Center

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    Royal Tull
    Student, Mary Rigg Neighborhood Center Drone Pilot training program

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    Arren Lett
    Student, Mary Rigg Neighborhood Center Drone Pilot training program

    10:30 AM - 11:45 AM

    BREAKOUT II: Closing the Gaps: Integrating Digital Coaching in the FOC Network

    This session will focus on the unique digital inclusion efforts of a few FOCs. Learn how these organizations are addressing digital inequity by incorporating digital access and skill-building into their financial coaching and workforce development services. Speakers will share their digital integration efforts, highlight key insights, and identify best practices and resources that have worked for their clients. Attendees will also have the opportunity to share resources to expand their digital coaching capacity.


      •Learn about best practices in providing digital access and digital skill building within your FOC
    • •Discuss the pros and cons of various digital skills building resources
    • •Consider the panelist’s lessons learned for addressing digital inclusion in your own programming
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    Julia Brown
    Senior Program Officer, LISC

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    Talia Vasquez Rader
    Program Officer, LISC

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    Chris Ackley
    VP of Strategy and Partnership, Genesis Center

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    Dustin Fuller
    Financial Opportunity Center Manager, Habitat for Humanity of Findlay/Hancock County

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    Lil Espinoza
    Bilingual Employment Specialist, Southside Community Development & Housing Corporation (SCDHC) Richmond, VA

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    Mike Giancaspro
    Bilingual Digital Navigator Coach, Southside Community Development & Housing Corporation (SCDHC) Richmond, VA

    10:30 AM - 11:45 AM

    BREAKOUT III: Partnering to Expand Inclusion in Financial Products

    Join this session to learn more about how to create local financial products with partner financial institutions. Hear about innovative work being done in the Twin Cities and Toledo, OH to create safe, affordable, accessible financial products for LISC clients. Panelists will share why they engage in this work, what has driven success, and learnings for the audience on how they might get started in their own community.


    • Learn about specific tools you can use to plan for and launch financial products in your own market

    •Hear best practices and lessons learned from the implementation of tailored local financial products in MN and OH

    • Consider how you might build partnerships in your own community to begin this work

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    Shaulonda Jones
    Assistant Program Officer, LISC Toledo

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    Rachel Speck

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    Reginald Temple
    Vice President and Director of Community Development, Premier Bank

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    Cheryl Peterson
    Advisor, Affordable Lending , Fannie Mae

    10:30 AM - 11:45 AM

    BREAKOUT IV: How to use the FFT™ Performance Report to Manage your FOC

    The FFT™ Performance Report may be overwhelming for those who are unfamiliar with it. However, over time and with practice, this report can become a valuable tool for managing and evaluating your program. Through hands-on practice, this session will help you gain familiarity and confidence in how to use the FFT™ Performance Report to manage program performance at your FOC.

    Carolina Rendon

    Senior Program Officer, LISC

    Carolina has over fifteen years of experience working in nonprofits in the Chicago area, including in grants management, data evaluation, contract regulations, fiscal management, programmatic design, and CRM administration. Carolina supports multiple LISC national programs including the Financial Opportunity Center® (FOC) Network, Business Development Center (BDO) Network, and the Entrepreneurs of Color Fund (EOCF) as the Salesforce System Administrator managing over 800 users. In addition, Carolina provides the FOC network with technical assistance and model implementation support. Carolina holds a dual bachelor’s degree from the University of Illinois at Chicago in finance and management and is a Certified Salesforce Administrator.

    Lorena Avillaneda

    Assistant Program Officer

    Lorena is a Houston native with over 7 years of experience in the nonprofit sector. Having served as a workforce coach and in community engagement roles, Lorena’s work is driven by her passion for strengthening communities. Lorena supports multiple LISC National programs including the Financial Opportunity Center® (FOC) Network, Business Development Center (BDO) Network, and the Entrepreneurs of Color Fund (EOCF) by providing Salesforce user management, technical assistance, training, grant reporting, and data visualization/analysis support. Lorena graduated from the University of Houston with a bachelor’s degree in Human Development & Family studies and earned a credential as a Certified Nonprofit Professional (CNP). In her free time, you will find Lorena rock climbing, playing soccer, and having multiple active ferments in her kitchen (sourdough, sauerkraut, and vinegar).

    11:45 AM - 12:00 PM

    Break & Boxed Lunch

    12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

    CLOSING PLENARY: Reflections & Looking Forward

    Our closing plenary panelists will reflect on the conference overall and offer insights on the themes that resonated, what the learning means for LISC's work and ways the conference can inform our collective work moving foward. Attendees will walk away feeling energized and ready to implement their convening learnings.

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    Brandon Taylor
    Senior Program Officer – Family Income and Wealth Building, Indianapolis LISC

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    Doug Cowan
    President and CEO, Community Services League

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    Dean Johns
    Chief Program Officer, John Boner Neighborhood Centers

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    Evelyn Flores
    Financial Opportunity Center® Coordinator, Retail, Arts, Innovation & Livability CDC


    Jennifer McClain

    Senior Director, Economic Opportunity, Wealth Building and Leadership Development, LISC Chicago

    Jennifer McClain is a distinguished community development leader, award-winning author, and nonprofit executive. With a successful history of managing teams and supporting community-focused organizations, Jennifer has spent over two decades honing her craft. Her philosophy is rooted in the belief that individual focus and effective teamwork are crucial components for achieving community economic success. Her talent as a facilitator has allowed her to lead sessions with over 800 participants since 2013.
    As the Senior Director of Economic Opportunity, Wealth Building, and Leadership Development at LISC Chicago, Jennifer deploys strong project management skills and fosters leadership to help her colleagues and external partners achieve their goals. She leads the programming and funding strategy for their work in individual economic opportunity, including the network of Financial Opportunity Centers (FOCs). These neighborhood-based centers offer career development and placement, financial coaching, digital skills training, credit building, and income support access. It comes as no surprise that she has been acknowledged as a noteworthy leader in the industry by Crain's Chicago Business.
    Jennifer holds a BS in computer science from Dillard University and a joint MBA-MPA from the Keller Graduate School of Management. She is also a graduate of the Allstate Foundation Executive Leadership Program in partnership with Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management and achieved an Executive Scholar certificate in Nonprofit Management from Kellogg. She is also a member of Aspen Institute’s Economic Opportunity Fellows Network and an alumna of the Black Women Leading ™ program.

    Kate Gannon

    Program Manager, Chicago Jobs Council

    Kate Gannon joined the Chicago Jobs Council in 2022 as a Program Manager. In this role, she manages and facilitates training programs for workforce development professionals in order to build organizational capacity. Kate previously worked with the Chicago Botanic Garden’s Windy City Harvest program. She worked with youth and adults in hands-on urban agriculture training programs, leading experiential learning opportunities on the farm and in the classroom. She has developed and facilitated curricula for youth and adults focused on growing social emotional skills, career exploration, and job readiness. In her most recent role as Senior Manager of Workforce Development, Kate led a transitional jobs program employing adults with criminal backgrounds, coaching a team of seasonal crew leaders, and supporting job seekers in reaching their employment goals. She is passionate about green jobs and creating a more sustainable and equitable workforce. Kate currently specializes in facilitating workforce development fundamentals trainings including Recruitment and Enrollment, Making the Right Employment Match, Engaging and Deepening Business Relationships, and Retention In Your Program.

    Sandylane Oquendo

    Program Officer, LISC

    In 2002, Sandylane Oquendo left her native land of Puerto Rico to serve our country. She spent over ten years serving in the United States Army as one of the few women with three combat deployment tours in Iraq. In January 2013, Sandylane retired with the rank of Staff Sergeant. Sandylane holds a Bachelor of Applied Arts and Science in Business Occupations and a Master of Business Administration with an emphasis on Management & Leadership from Texas A&M University-Central Texas. She is pursuing an Executive Doctorate of Business Administration Program from Prairie View A&M University.

    Julia Brown

    Senior Program Officer, LISC

    Julia provides technical assistance, grants management and program support to LISC’s Financial Opportunity Center® and Bridges to Career Opportunities networks, with a focus on workforce development and digital equity and inclusion. She currently leads LISC’s SNAP Employment & Training initiative that connects Financial Opportunity Center® to sustainable federal funding to build capacity and better serve community members. Julia has over 10 years of experience in nonprofit and corporate responsibility, including direct service, program and grant management, capacity building and cross-sector partnerships. She holds a BA from Lafayette College and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration with a focus on Public and Nonprofit Performance Measurement from Rutgers University-Newark.

    Ellen Johnson

    Senior Director, Afton Partners

    Ellen is a seasoned facilitator, capacity-builder, and workforce development expert. As a Senior Director, Ellen leads the build-out of Afton’s workforce development portfolio through facilitation of both state-wide Commissions and local communities of practice, focusing on the development of actionable recommendations that center worker voice and promote equity. Prior to joining Afton, Ellen served as the Director of the Frontline Focus Training Institute at the Chicago Jobs Council. In this role—through curriculum development, best practice research, and coalition building—she led the development of a premier, nationally recognized professional development training program for the workforce development field. Ellen has served as a thought partner and project manager for several strategic capacity building projects across the City of Chicago, including overseeing the revision of a curriculum used within Chicago Public Schools to train school counselors on students’ post-secondary options; supporting a Collective of workforce organizations to serve as a single point of access for employers looking to hire overlooked talent from the south and west sides of Chicago; and developing a combined program delivery model for two merging workforce organizations. Ellen is originally from Des Moines, Iowa and attended Drake University where she received her bachelor’s degree in English Writing and Sociology. She also received master’s degrees in both Social Work and Public Administration from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

    Kaitlyn McGovern

    Director, Afton Partners

    As a Director at Afton, Kaitlyn works to create an equitable and customer-centered workforce development system. This often includes supporting workforce development agencies, policymakers, and providers to identify their challenges and potential solutions through stakeholder research and capacity building. Previously, as Manager of Human-Centered Service Delivery at Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation, Kaitlyn was responsible for implementing a human-centered design approach within Detroit’s public workforce system. She also led professional development efforts for Career Center staff and local policy writing and implementation. Additionally, she served as a contract manager for the LISC Detroit office, which served as the WIOA One Stop Operator. Specifically, Kaitlyn partnered with them to implement financial coaching across the career centers, assess the career center customer experience, and align WIOA titles and mandated partners. Prior to her role at Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation, Kaitlyn served as Program Manager for the Frontline Focus Training Institute at the Chicago Jobs Council where she conducted professional development trainings for frontline workforce development staff and managed a project to train public service systems across the country on the W.K. Kellogg Foundation’s Family-Centered Coaching toolkit. Kaitlyn has her master’s degree from the University of Chicago Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice and her bachelor’s degree in Economics and Community Action and Social Change from the University of Michigan.

    Carolina Rendon

    Senior Program Officer, LISC

    Carolina has over fifteen years of experience working in nonprofits in the Chicago area, including in grants management, data evaluation, contract regulations, fiscal management, programmatic design, and CRM administration. Carolina supports multiple LISC national programs including the Financial Opportunity Center® (FOC) Network, Business Development Center (BDO) Network, and the Entrepreneurs of Color Fund (EOCF) as the Salesforce System Administrator managing over 800 users. In addition, Carolina provides the FOC network with technical assistance and model implementation support. Carolina holds a dual bachelor’s degree from the University of Illinois at Chicago in finance and management and is a Certified Salesforce Administrator.

    Angela Benifield

    Assistant Director of Projects, Wayne Metropolitan Community Action Agency

    With a strategic vision, innovative problem-solving skills, and a wealth of operational expertise, Angela oversees multiple programs aimed at empowering individuals and families, consistently achieving high-performing outcomes. Over her 15-year tenure at Wayne Metro, Angela has been instrumental in building and leading high-performing teams, conceptualizing and implementing innovative programs and projects, driving organizational growth and efficiency, and fostering a culture of collaboration. Additionally, with more than two decades of experience as a Financial Professional, Angela proudly serves on the Board of Directors for the Community Economic Development Association of Michigan (CEDAM), where she holds the position of Treasurer on the Executive Committee for Region 6-Detroit. Angela's academic achievements are equally remarkable, as she holds a Master of Business Administration with a specialization in Human Resource Management from Capella University, graduating with Summa Cum Laude honors. Angela's dedication to excellence and her multifaceted leadership make her a standout figure in the field of community development and innovation.

    Cassandra Tice

    Director, Grants, IU Health Foundation

    As Grants Director, Cassandra leads grant fundraising strategies for the statewide IU Health system from private foundations, corporations, and government agencies. In her previous role, she steered a three-year process that led to an $8 million grant to support the creation of the Mosaic Center for Work, Life + Learning. Prior to joining the IU Health foundation, Cassandra worked as the manager of foundation and government relations for The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis and was an AmeriCorps VISTA at the Indiana Youth Institute. She holds an MA in philanthropic studies from the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy and a BA in professional writing and creative writing from Purdue University.

    Claudia Staniszewski

    LISC Rhode Island

    Claudia Staniszewski has worked with LISC Rhode Island for 18 years, focusing much of that time on addressing wealth equity. As Program Officer for Economic Development, Claudia Staniszewski provides operating support, training and technical assistance to a coalition of Business Service Organizations. As a part of this work, she oversees LISC’s Kiva investments, a micro-loan crowdfunding platform for small businesses. She also manages LISC’s Financial Opportunity Centers (FOCs). These Centers provide integrated services that improve the financial bottom line for low-income individuals. Claudia directed the design, piloting and expansion of the SNAP Employment and Training (SNAP E&T) program for the state. She is now working with LISC National to help LISC Financial Opportunity Centers from other states to become SNAP E&T providers.

    Claudia Staniszewski served as the Executive Director of the Cape Cod Center for Sustainability in Massachusetts. She was also co-founder and Co-Executive Director of Sustainable Community Initiatives in Washington DC. Before her transition into community development, she worked in biochemical research at Duke University. Claudia holds a BA in Chemistry from Bard College and an MA in Architecture from North Carolina State University's School of Design.

    David Dalton

    Partnership Liasion, Mosaic Center

    In his role as Partnership Liaison, David builds and manages collaborative relationships with a range of partners that support the Mosaic Center’s mission, including nonprofits, schools, universities, and workforce/economic development organizations. He also works to engage a variety of teams and units within IU Health and other healthcare providers to build career pathways in clinical and non-clinical occupations. David brings more than a decade of experience in workforce development and training, including a variety of coaching and leadership roles in both the public and private sectors. He holds a Bachelor of Arts from Indiana University and a master’s degree in leadership & management from Western Governor's University Indiana.

    Jacqueline Burau

    Director, Economic Opportunity, LISC Detroit

    Jacqueline Burau, Director, Economic Opportunity, provides strategic leadership of LISC Detroit’s Economic Development framework, which integrates strategies that develop talent, districts, and businesses with the goal of creating the conditions for economic and racial equity in the communities where we work. This includes empowering people by developing their talent, transforming places by driving revival of commercial districts & fostering a robust small business ecosystem. Member of the Detroit Workforce Leadership Academy, part of the Economic Opportunities Fellows Network, facilitated by the Aspen Institute Economic Opportunities Program. Holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Oakland University.

    Jeffery Burgin

    Career Coach, Mosaic Center

    As a career coach, Jeffery leverages his strengths as a communicator and bridge-builder to support Mosaic Center members along their individual, goal-oriented career journeys. He joined the Mosaic Center team in 2022 following nearly a decade of community engagement and advocacy work in municipal government, during which time he pursued his passions by advocating for underserved populations, contributing to the foundation of new neighborhood groups, organizing events and programs, and helping to guide community redevelopment projects while leveraging the voices of community members.

    Jessi Crouse, CRT, LSGS

    Manager, Talent Acquisition, IU Health

    Jessi joined the IU Health team in 2022 as a Talent Acquisition manager on the Non-Clinical Team, where she is primarily responsible for recruiting quality candidates and filling vacant, non-patient facing roles for the entire IU Health system. These positions include Revenue Cycle Services, Food & Nutrition Services, Environmental Services, Supply Chain, and more—all priority areas for the Mosaic Center. Fluent in both English and Spanish, Jessi holds degrees from IUPUI in Spanish and intercultural/multicultural and diversity studies and is actively pursuing a master’s degree in organizational leadership through Southern New Hampshire University.

    Kiara Conway

    Assistant Program Officer, LISC Detroit

    Kiara Conway, Assistant Program Officer, supports LISC Detroit’s Economic Development framework with a focus on workforce and asset building. This includes providing technical assistance to partners and stakeholders to align and coordinate services to increase LISC’s impact related to workforce and financial stability as well as data analysis to inform program innovation and enhancement. Holds a Master of Education and a Bachelor of Arts from Grand Valley State University.

    LaKenya Chancey

    Financial Coach, Mosaic Center

    LaKenya believes that stability can be realized for every household through wise financial management, regardless of income, and works to guide Mosaic Center members to set and achieve their own financial goals. She asks powerful questions, actively engages, and maintains a repository of financial tools to be leveraged by each member as they chart their own paths forward. As a financial coach, she draws on a diverse range of work and life experiences each day, including innovative grassroots organizational development, responsive customer service, and diligent advocacy for positive change.

    Lorena Avillaneda

    Assistant Program Officer, LISC

    Lorena is a Houston native with over 7 years of experience in the nonprofit sector. Having served as a workforce coach and in community engagement roles, Lorena’s work is driven by her passion for strengthening communities. Lorena supports multiple LISC National programs including the Financial Opportunity Center® (FOC) Network, Business Development Center (BDO) Network, and the Entrepreneurs of Color Fund (EOCF) by providing Salesforce user management, technical assistance, training, grant reporting, and data visualization/analysis support. Lorena graduated from the University of Houston with a bachelor’s degree in Human Development & Family studies and earned a credential as a Certified Nonprofit Professional (CNP). In her free time, you will find Lorena rock climbing, playing soccer, and having multiple active ferments in her kitchen (sourdough, sauerkraut, and vinegar).

    Patricia Maguire, LCSW

    Macro Social Worker and Senior Policy Associate, Corporation for a Skilled Workforce

    Patricia is a macro social worker and Senior Policy Associate with CSW’s Trauma and Resilience at Work team. The CSW Trauma and Resilience at Work team advances workplaces and workforces that are culturally responsive, trauma-informed, resilience-building, and supportive of mental well-being. CSW works with partners and stakeholders to reduce the stigma of trauma and mental health in workforce development and the workplace; educate employees at all levels within organizations on trauma, resilience, and mental health; advance trauma-informed, resilience-building, and mental health supportive organizations and companies; and promote policies and systems that codify and sustain this work.

    Patricia has over fifteen years of experience in workforce development in various roles including as a funder, direct service provider, employer, capacity builder, and technical assistance provider. Most recently, she was an Associate Director at Jobs for the Future (JFF), where her projects focused on inclusive apprenticeship and work-based learning models. Prior to JFF, Patricia managed the Commonwealth Workforce Coalition (CWC), a statewide capacity building program providing training, professional development, and peer learning opportunities for workforce staff. Patricia was also a Program Officer at SkillWorks at the Boston Foundation, a workforce funding collaborative. Her first workforce role was as an employment coordinator in a supported work program for adults with mental illness.

    Rachel K. Whilby, Ed. M

    Research Associate, Corporation for a Skilled Workforce

    Rachel is a Research Associate on the Research and Evaluation team at CSW. She also serves on CSW’s Trauma and Resilience at Work team as an evaluator and presenter. Specifically, Rachel has delivered workshop trainings for the Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation Trauma-Informed Care Project and presented at the National Association of Workforce Development Professionals Annual Conference as well as the California Workforce Association Meeting of the Minds Conference.

    Rachel’s background is in K-12 education. Prior to CSW, Rachel served as a classroom teacher and Coordinator of Diversity at The Windward School, a nationally recognized independent school located in New York specializing in educating students with language-based learning disabilities. Most recently, Rachel helped open Fusion Academy Buckhead (Atlanta, GA), a one-to-one education program for non-traditional learners in grades 6 – 12, as the Assistant Director and Academic Dean.

    Rachel attended Emory University where she double majored in Educational Studies and Sociology. She holds advanced degrees in Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation and Sociology and Education from Boston College Lynch School of Education and Columbia University Teachers College, respectively.

    Samantha Poster

    Senior Consultant, Seattle Jobs Initiative

    Samantha Poster is a Senior Consultant at Seattle Jobs Initiative working primarily with SNAP Employment & Training across the nation. Through this work she provides support and assistance to state agencies, human service programs, colleges and community-based organizations to design, implement and launch SNAP E&T Programs using best practices while centering equity to assist participants navigate social service systems that impact them.

    Sitara Govender

    Innovative Programs Director, Wayne Metropolitan Community Action Agency

    Sitara Govender is an experienced community action professional skilled in program design and evaluation. She leads the Innovation Lab Department at Wayne Metropolitan Community Action Agency, focusing on innovative and transformative approaches to programming. Sitara is passionate about maximizing impact within communities through the lens of human-centered design. She holds a Master of Science and Bachelor of Science from Madonna University.

    Sue Leonardi

    Program Officer, LISC Rhode Island

    Sue Leonardi is a Program Officer for the Income and Wealth Building (IWB) program. She performs the Compliance Monitoring for the SNAP E&T subcontractors, providing technical assistance to those groups to ensure that they receive the support they need to achieve and maintain compliance with government funding rules and guidelines, as well as the Section 4 Capacity Building program. She also trains the RI office staff and other local offices in Compliance Monitoring. Sue manages the SNAP E&T program for the RI office.
    Sue holds a Bachelor’s degree in Community Development from Roger Williams University. Before joining LISC in 2014, Sue was the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Home Repair Program Coordinator for the Towns of Johnston and North Providence for nine years, as well as assisting the Johnston Town Planner.
    Sue is the proud mother of five children, ages 23-35, and grandmother to six beautiful grandbabies. When she is not spending time with her family, Sue enjoys creative pursuits such as scrapbooking, knitting, baking and crafting. In a past life, Sue’s consistency, professionalism, and keen ability to understand and enforce the rules worked for her when she spent several months employed as a poker dealer in a casino.

    Susan O’Callaghan

    Senior Consultant, Seattle Jobs Initiative

    Susan O’Callaghan is a Senior Consultant at Seattle Jobs Initiative. She draws from over a decade of experience as a SNAP E&T provider to support state agencies and workforce organizations in developing thoughtful assessment and planning processes to ensure they are well positioned to become effective SNAP E&T partners.

    Thomas Brande

    LISC Program Officer, Communications

    Thomas Brande executes marketing campaigns for LISC’s Economic Development and Family Income & Wealth Building teams. This includes managing grant-related success stories, program highlights, social & traditional media, FOC newsletters, and media other promotional content. He also leads high-level program communications strategy development to effectively share the impact of LISC’s work. Thomas is a member of the Economic Development Groups’ DEIJ Committee, furthering workplace culture and the effectiveness of our community-based initiatives.

    Thomas has over nine years of experience as a communications professional, serving at non-profit organizations on the local, regional, and international levels. He is passionate about magnifying the voices of community members and creating a more equitable society through his work. Most recently, he acted as Marketing and Communications Manager at Phipps Neighborhoods, a community development organization based in the South Bronx. Thomas holds a Bachelor’s in Peace and Justice Studies and a Master’s in Public Communications from Fordham University. He currently lives in Queens, New York with his family.

    Rob Lockett

    Team Leader, Rocket Community Fund

    Rob Lockett is a servant leader, with demonstrated experience accelerating organizational growth, and delivering next level impact for multiple stakeholders. He has an established track record of success; leading initiatives for significantly growing enterprise value through strategic problem solving, team member development, and operational excellence.

    Currently, Rob serves as the Team Leader, National Housing Stability for Rocket Community Fund (RCF), the philanthropic organization of Rocket Companies (NYSE: RKT). At RCF, Rob is responsible for all functions of philanthropic investment, market expansion and stakeholder engagement in key markets nationally. He and his team are dedicated to executing the mission of RCF; simplifying complex and inequitable systems to ensure everyone has access to stable and healthy housing. RCF invest across a diverse portfolio of several issue areas: including Homelessness, Displacement Prevention, Bridging the Digital Divide, and building Generational Wealth through Homeownership, particularly in communities of color.

    “Leaders look for opportunities to serve others”, a statement central to Rob personal mission of building better communities. His involvement and advocacy with Civic Engagement, Social Justice, and Economic Mobility related issues have shaped his personal journey. Rob is a frequent speaker and consultant to groups providing ‘whole health’ solutions to the Black community.

    Equitable access to opportunity for BIPOC entrepreneurs, particularly access to capital is a very important item for Rob. He is a graduate of the Venture Scout Program with Hawke Ventures, through its Equitable VC Professionals Initiative. He is a mentor and advisor to early-stage start up founders and operations professionals.

    Rob is an active civic and non-profit leader and board member, currently serving the Founder’s Junior Council Board of the Detroit Institute of Arts, Local Initiative Support Corporation (LISC) Detroit, Michigan Political Leadership Program, 100 Black Men of Greater Detroit, Wayne County CASA, and the SASHA Center. Rob enjoys learning and has developed a passion for giving back through education, with classroom instruction experience at the collegiate level, most recently at Michigan State University, Emory University, and several other guest lecture features.

    A native of Atlanta, GA, Rob received his BS in Public Policy from the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University and holds an MBA from Goizueta Business School at Emory University.

    Kandis Williams

    Executive Director, LISC Cleveland

    Kandis Williams is Executive Director of LISC Cleveland (Local Initiatives Support Corporation), a national community development intermediary and CDFI. In this role, Ms. Williams leads LISC Cleveland’s community investment effort and programming to support economic development, workforce development, affordable housing, and neighborhood revitalization in Cleveland and Northeast Ohio, with racial equity as the foundation of their work. Ms. Williams brings 25 years of cross-sector community and economic development experience to her role. Previously, Ms. Williams was Vice President for Economic Opportunity with Cleveland Neighborhood Progress (CNP), where she led programs focused on economic development, workforce development, and asset/wealth building and economic mobility. Prior to CNP, Williams was Vice President of Community Development Lending with Citizens Bank, directing capital to affordable housing and community revitalization projects in Ohio and Western Pennsylvania. She also held the position of Senior Vice President for Village Capital Corporation, the CDFI lending subsidiary of Cleveland Neighborhood Progress. Ms. Williams’ professional experience includes leadership roles in local government and nonprofit community development as well. Williams earned her Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies from the College of Wooster and her Master of Urban Planning, Design and Development from Cleveland State University’s Levin College of Urban Affairs. She contributes her time and expertise to a variety of local efforts, including serving as the Board President of the Shaker Heights Development Corporation, Board Member of Village Capital Corporation, and as a Visiting Committee member of Cleveland State University’s Levin College of Public Affairs and Education.

    Seung Kim

    Senior Vice President, National Programs, LISC

    Seung Kim is Senior Vice President at LISC and leads the National Programs unit including Child Care & Early Learning, Economic Development, Family Income & Wealth, Health, Safety & Justice and Sports & Recreation. She guides these programs in delivering technical and financial resources, thought leadership, program innovation and scaling, and external partnerships with an aim to enhance LISC’s impact in communities.

    Seung has led the strategic expansion of LISC’s national workforce and asset building initiatives, through its network of Financial Opportunity Centers, and its Bridges to Career Opportunities initiative. She was also instrumental to successful program development for LISC’s growing network of business development partners focused on serving small businesses owned by people of color and women. She has championed community-focused and data-driven approaches to pilot, test, and scale promising program strategies.

    Seung’s thought leadership and commitment to communities is widely recognized and exercised in her service on Advisory Councils for the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago on its Community and Economic Development sub-council, and the board of the National Fund for Workforce Solutions. Prior to joining the national LISC staff, Seung worked as a consultant with LISC Chicago on its Centers for Working Families network (she was a CWF financial coach on the Near West Side earlier in 2006) and with the national office on Financial Opportunity Centers.

    Earlier, Seung was a Vice President, Fixed Income Analytics, for ANB Financial Group in Chicago and was an Associate, Trading and Analytics, for Performance Trust Companies. She has a bachelor’s degree in economics from Northwestern University and a master’s of business administration from Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management.

    Mariel Beasley

    Co-founder, Common Cents Lab

    Mariel Beasley is a Co-Founder of the Common Cents Lab and Principal at the Center for Advanced Hindsight at Duke University. The Center focuses on using behavioral science to create a happier, healthier, and wealthier world.   Working directly with companies, non-profits, and local governments, Mariel and her team use quantitative methods to design and rigorously test ideas in the field, exploring what is needed, what works, and how to drive impact, primarily in the financial services sector and public policy arena. To date, they have worked with over 100 partners and run over 150 field studies reaching millions of people around the world. She holds a Master of Public Policy degree from Duke University and a BA in International Relations from University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Her previous work experience includes Boulder County Housing and Human Services, Peace Corps-Dominican Republic, and Nagle & Associates, a consulting firm for nonprofits and charitable foundations. Originally from Idaho, Mariel enjoys riding bikes, walking in the woods, watching minor-league baseball, and spending time with her partner (Evan) and children (Jones and Alice).

    Brandon Taylor

    Senior Program Officer – Family Income and Wealth Building, Indianapolis LISC

    Brandon provides strategic and implementation leadership for LISC Indianapolis’ Family Income and Wealth Building portfolio, which includes the Financial Opportunities Centers (FOCs) and Bridges to Career Opportunities initiative. He serves as liaison for workforce partners and employers, and sub grantees to collectively achieve related goals and objectives in the organization’s strategic plan; as well as, advocating for policy and system innovations in the local workforce ecosystem. Previously, Brandon worked at LISC Philadelphia where he supported neighborhood partners on their community safety, community engagement, and capacity building priorities. Prior to that, he served as Program Manager at The Trust for Public Land overseeing the design and construction of parks and playgrounds in Philadelphia. Brandon graduated from Cornell University with a bachelor’s degree in urban and regional studies.

    Doug Cowan

    President and CEO, Community Services League

    Doug Cowan is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Community Services League, based in Independence, Missouri. During his 13+ years at CSL, the organization has reached several milestones, including celebrating its centennial anniversary in 2016, receiving the designation as a LISC Financial Opportunity Center, being named Nonprofit Connect’s Excellence in Impact award recipient in 2016, receiving Truman Heartland Community Foundation’s Heartland Service Award in 2016, earning Harvesters’ 2017 Agency of the Year award, having opened CSL’s 14th location in the Kansas City area, launching the social entrepreneurial venture BlendWell Community Cafe, and oversaw the expenditure of $43 million in federal Emergency Rental Assistance from Jackson County. CSL was recognized by LISC-Greater Kansas City as its 2019 Organization with Greatest Impact, and was named the Independence Chamber of Commerce 2021 Business of the Year. Active in his community, he volunteers with Cub Scouts, the Independence Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, the Independence Square Association, his church, youth sports, and other civic involvement. He is married to Katie, and they have two sons, Truman and Finnegan, and they love living in the historic Independence Square area. In 2019, Doug and Katie were named Citizens of the Year by the Independence Chamber of Commerce

    Talia Vasquez Rader

    Program Officer, LISC

    Talia manages projects and grants focused on workforce development programming, capacity building and technical assistance initiatives for LISC’s Family Income & Wealth Building program. She also collaborates closely with team members and leadership to develop and raise funds for new initiatives and innovations, fostering the growth and support of LISC's FOC partner network in alignment with the organization's mission. Talia started her career as a first-grade teacher and has a decade of non-profit experience, primarily in skills training and workforce advancement. Talia holds a Bachelor's degree in Applied Learning and Development from the University of Texas at Austin and currently resides in her hometown of San Antonio.

    Chris Ackley

    VP of Strategy and Partnership, Genesis Center

    Chris Ackley is the VP of Strategy and Partnership for the Genesis Center, a multi-service adult education organization in Providence, Rhode Island. Chris has been with the Genesis Center since 2017 and began as a Financial Coach before moving into an FOC Director position. Prior to working at Genesis Center, Chris worked for ONE Neighborhood Builders, a Community Development Corporation, where he focused on public space stewardship and youth employment programming. Chris is a graduate of Providence College and is currently pursuing a Master’s in Public Administration with Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts.

    Dustin Fuller

    Financial Opportunity Center Manager, Habitat for Humanity of Findlay/Hancock County

    Dustin has been working in the nonprofit sector for 14 years serving in a variety of capacities including fund development, training, communication/marketing, and human resources as well as executive leadership. Growing up he was a Navy brat and has moved 45 times in his life. Having launched 2 of the 3 Financial Opportunity Centers serving rural communities in Ohio, he is passionate about meeting people where they are and helping them be successful however they define success.

    Lil Espinoza

    Bilingual Employment Specialist, Southside Community Development & Housing Corporation (SCDHC) Richmond, VA

    Lil Espinoza is the Bilingual Employment Specialist for Richmond, VA FOC at Southside Community Development and Housing Corporation. She graduated from John Tyler Community College with an Associate of Applied Science in nursing. She has vast experience in management, recruiting, and training. Lil knows how to monitor and analyze risks, errors, and problems to provide improvement opportunities. She learned to train and guide team members and staff, delivering quality work to meet deadlines. These skills have made her efficient in her current position. Catering to Spanish-speaking and English-speaking clients at the first and only bilingual FOC in Richmond, VA, Lil provides employment services. She aids clients with resume/cover letter development, training referrals, education/career planning, skills evaluation, interview preparation, job fair referrals, and professional development through career coaching. The specialist has shown the ability to multi-task and work effectively under pressure. Lil obtained several workforce development certifications, including the Financial Coaching for Prosperity certification through LISC. As a result, she provides culturally sensitive financial coaching for Latino families in the community. Lil looks forward to providing continuous quality service and harnessing her current skills.

    Mike Giancaspro

    Bilingual Digital Navigator Coach, Southside Community Development & Housing Corporation (SCDHC) Richmond, VA

    Mike began at SCDHC in Richmond, Virginia in July 2020 as an administrative assistant, and since November 2020, has been the Bilingual Digital Navigator Coach for the Financial Opportunity Center. Mike still handles administrative duties but also teaches digital skills to FOC clients in both English and Spanish, virtually and in-person. His expertise lies in effectively teaching computer, tablet, and smartphone skills to clients to help them build a solid foundation for their professional lives. Mike takes pride in being able to clearly convey digital skills concepts to clients to maximize their understanding and retention of the material. Mike’s specialty is educating clients through group classes and one-on-one settings, based on each client's schedule and digital skills goals. No matter a client's skill level, he believes there is always room to grow and to improve. Through interactive lessons and teaching strategies, Mike ensures that FOC clients feel more comfortable with their devices, the Internet, and utilizing programs/applications. Mike graduated from VCU in 2012 with a Bachelor's Degree in Spanish and the SETI Certification for Spanish/English Translation and Interpretation. He also has experience in wildlife care at Rockwood Park and horticulture at JSRCC.

    Veronica Sanchez Peavey

    Senior Assistant Vice President of Adult Services and Regional Director, SER Metro-Detroit, Jobs for Progress, Inc.

    Veronica Sanchez Peavey holds the role of Senior Assistant Vice President of Adult Services and serves as a Regional Director for SER Metro-Detroit, Jobs for Progress, Inc. (SER), and its subsidiary, SERCO, Inc. With a steadfast commitment spanning over two decades, Veronica has been dedicated to the mission of SER: Advancing People, Growing Businesses, and Strengthening Communities. In her current capacity, Veronica oversees and executes SER's array of adult programs in Detroit. This multifaceted role includes the management and administration of two Detroit at Work Career Centers/American Job Centers, ReBuild Detroit—an innovative apprenticeship readiness bridge program focused on the skilled trades—and SER’s Center for Working Families/Financial Opportunity Center. Her passion for serving the community and driving positive change continues to be a driving force in her career. Veronica is a first-generation college graduate, holding a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Public Administration from the University of Michigan. She is deeply engaged with her alma mater as the Vice Chair of the University of Michigan Latino Alumni, actively contributing to the university's vibrant community. She is also a proud graduate of the Detroit Regional Chamber's esteemed Leadership Detroit Program and of the inaugural class of the Aspen Institute’s Detroit Workforce Leadership Academy, a testament to her dedication to shaping the future of the Detroit community.

    Shaulonda Jones

    Assistant Program Officer, LISC Toledo

    VShaulonda Jones is a Certified Financial Coach and VITA Instructor who has been a leader within the Toledo Financial Opportunity Center Network since its inception in 2010. She has held positions within the community development and higher education sectors focusing on financial management, housing programs, and community engagement and leadership development. She holds Bachelor’s degrees in Accounting and Human Resource Management from Lourdes University. Shaulonda successfully provides capacity building and technical assistance to non-profit partners and community-based organizations across Toledo-Lucas County in her current role as an Assistant Program Officer with Toledo LISC, and also serves as a member of United Way of Greater Toledo’s Community Impact Cabinet.

    Rachel Speck


    Rachel Speck is an independent consultant working with cross-sector partners to transform the field of workforce and talent development to realize systemic equity. For almost 5 years, she has supported the LISC Twin Cities office in expanding its Financial Opportunity Center network from 4 to 8 partners; she’s also supported the LISC Duluth team more recently. Her career experience spans local government, non-profit, and cooperative organizations. As an independent consultant, Rachel has worked with a place-based network of organizations in both a coordination role and as the shared job developer, engaging employers in improving their recruitment strategies and hiring processes to be more inclusive and accessible; collaborated with other facilitators to lead a 6-week cohort training for employers to develop action plans to be more inclusive employers; and supported new workforce program development with several non-profits. Prior to consulting, from 2012 – 2018, she served as Senior Program Manager at Greater Twin Cities United Way, overseeing partnerships, capacity building and grantmaking in the Financial Stability portfolio. While there, she oversaw the development and implementation of a performance management tool for workforce programs; secured a $1M grant from the State of MN to provide technical assistance and capacity building to small organizations; and managed several smaller donor engagement strategies. Rachel earned her Master’s Degree in Public Policy from the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, and her Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Minnesota.

    Terri Garcia


    Terri Garcia has been a workforce development practitioner for the past 36 years. She is semi-retired after 14 years as the Executive Director of Southeast Community Services, the second Financial Opportunity Center (aka Center for Working Families) in Indianapolis. She maintains a consulting practice doing non-profit executive coaching. LISC Indianapolis named Terri as one of twenty Neighborhood Visionaries in 2012. Terri holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Indiana Wesleyan University. She is married with two adult children and one darling grandson.

    Laura D’Alessandro

    Director of Financial Health, LISC

    As co-director of the national Family Income & Wealth Building program, Laura leads LISC’s Financial Opportunity Center® and Bridges to Career Opportunities work, with a focus on wealth building strategies—including access to safe and affordable financial products, building short- and long-term savings, and creating opportunities for credit-building through accessible, fairly-priced financial products—micro entrepreneurship, and FOCs’ role in creating pathways to asset building and homeownership. Prior to joining LISC, Laura worked at Helen Keller International and has a breadth of experience in program design, non-profit capacity-building and grants management. She holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Washington and a master’s in public administration from New York University and is a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer.

    Dr. David Hampton

    Executive Director, LISC Indianapolis

    Dr. Hampton leads the LISC Indianapolis program, overseeing program development, fundraising, and coordination with real estate development lending. He focuses on locally designed efforts to address racial injustice, invest in resilient communities and fuel inclusive economic growth. He has served as LISC Indianapolis Executive Director since April 2021. Prior to that he served as the Deputy Mayor of Neighborhood Engagement for the City of Indianapolis for five years prior. In addition, he served as a senior pastor for 20 years before retiring from pastoral ministry in 2019. Dr. Hampton earned his Bachelor’s Degree in criminal justice from the University of Indianapolis and a Master of Theological Studies and Doctor of Ministry degrees from Christian Theological Seminary. He has earned executive certificates from both Harvard Business School (Sustainable Business Strategy) and Purdue University (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion). He serves as adjunct professor, visiting lecturer, trustee, and advisor for various institutions of higher education. Hampton currently serves on the board of directors of Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership, Indianapolis Black Chamber of Commerce, National Action Network (NYC), and previously, Indianapolis Board of Zoning Appeals, Indianapolis Urban League, Indianapolis City Market, and Martin University.

    Julio Pensamiento

    Strategic Partnership Manager, Center for Changing Lives

    Julio was born and raised in Hermosa and currently serves as the Strategic Partnership Manager at Center for Changing Lives where he manages all of the external relationships with quality partner organizations that wish to collaborate with CCL and its programs. Before his role at CCL, Julio spent two years performing constituent services at a local aldermanic office where his passion for community-based organizations originated and grew. He enjoys working towards helping empower the people in his community through quality social services to help break down barriers to accessing much-needed resources. Through CCL’s new Strategic Plan, he intends to leverage the great employer and business corridor partnerships he has fostered to expand CCL’s reach into delivering the tools, resources, and education to our community members seeking economic stability and vitality. Alongside his role as Strategic Partnership Manager, he is also a board member of the Here To Stay Community Land Trust, representing CCL. Julio graduated from Loyola University Chicago in 2018 with a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice & Criminology.

    Katrin Sirje Kärk

    Director of Workforce Innovations, LISC

    As co-director of the national Family Income & Wealth Building program, Katrin leads LISC’s Financial Opportunity Center® and Bridges to Career Opportunities work, with a focus on program sustainability and innovations including employer partnership development, retention and advancement, digital skilling, and FOCs’ role in creating pathways to homeownership. After starting her career in communications at PolicyLink, she joined LISC to help grow the FOC and Bridges models, then launched a $32M financial capability grant program at NeighborWorks America, and spent time in Rural LISC collaborating with local partners to expand workforce and asset building innovations in rural America before rejoining LISC’s national team in 2019. Katrin earned a bachelor’s degree from Barnard College and a master's degree in public administration from the Marxe School of Public and International Affairs at Baruch College-City University of New York.

    Andrew Lee

    Director of Workforce, Mary Rigg Neighborhood Center

    Andrew was born in England to a family with a long line of teachers on his Father’s side. A line he broke. After five years working for the UK Ministry of Defence as a scientific advisor, Andrew moved to Indianapolis in 1999. He transitioned into nonprofit work and has held leadership positions in small nonprofits for the last 20 years. As Executive Director of The Business and Professional Exchange Andrew increased this network of support groups for white collar workers from three chapters in Central Indiana to nine chapters across the State, helping over 2,000 individuals each year at its peak. As Executive Director of Art With A Heart, Andrew led a small team of high caliber art instructors in the creation of an early childhood arts program. The program enabled Latinx students to achieve the same literacy gains as their fellow students in Pre-K and Kindergarten grades. As Director of Workforce at Mary Rigg Neighborhood Center, Andrew has championed the Drone Pilot training program as an effective alternative to college for post-secondary clients looking for high-paid work with tremendous income growth potential.

    Patrick (P.J.) McCarthy

    Vice President of Affordable Lending and Housing Equity, Fannie Mae

    Patrick (P.J.) McCarthy is Vice President of Affordable Lending and Housing Equity at Fannie Mae reporting to the SVP of Business Account Management. He is responsible for Fannie Mae's single-family business with state and local Housing Finance Agencies (HFA), Community Development Financial Intermediaries (CDFI), and community partners. He collaborates and leads on the execution of Fannie Mae’s strategies to deliver positive mission and community outcomes to serve homeowners. He leads the development and implementation of the overall strategy for Affordable Lending and Housing Equity, supports business development for the company’s Account Management teams, Fannie Mae’s lender partners, oversees staff development and represents Affordable Lending and Housing Equity in interactions within Fannie Mae and external parties. Before joining Fannie Mae in 2007, McCarthy was Director of Multifamily Lending for Great Lakes Financial Group and prior to that worked for Ernst & Young LLP supervising financial services audits. McCarthy has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Ohio University and a Master’s Degree in Accountancy from the University of Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business.

    Soren Chamorro Gonzalez

    Director of La Plaza’s Latino Opportunity Center

    Soren is the Director of La Plaza Latino Opportunity Center, a workforce development program dedicated to help Latinos from Marion County IN, to achieve economic stability and build generational wealth. Soren holds a Master in International Studies of Peace, Conflict and Development and post graduate studies in Formulation, Execution and Evaluation of social projects. Her work experience includes the implementation of socio-educational projects in the paradigm of Culture of peace in countries like, Nicaragua, Kenia, Switzerland and Spain. Before moving to USA in 2021, she worked for the Polytechnic University of Nicaragua, were she did academic research and taught about Human Rights, Economic Development, Conflict Transformation, Gender and Democracy, among others.

    Reginald Temple

    Vice President and Director of Community Development, Premier Bank

    Reginald Temple is a seasoned financial professional with over 25 years of experience in the banking and financial services sector. He currently holds the position of Vice President and Director of Community Development at Premier Bank.
    Reginald is widely recognized for his financial expertise and actively contributes to various boards, commissions, and councils. Notably, he serves on the Toledo LISC Advisory Board, holds a Mayoral Appointee position with The Arts Commission of Greater Toledo, and is a board member of the Center of Hope Family Services Inc. Reginald also contributes to the Toledo Lucas County Convention and Visitors Bureau (TLCCVB) and previously served as the Past-President of the Leadership Development Committee of the African American Leadership Council of United Way. He holds advisory roles in the NWO Toledo Minority Business Assistance Center Advisory Board and the Toledo/Lucas County Port Authority’s NWO Revolving Loan Fund Managing Board.
    Apart from his professional commitments, Reginald is an active member of various organizations, including the Toledo Chapter NAACP, Prince Hall Free and Accepted Masons, and the Xi Tau chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. He is also a certified Ohio High School Athletic Association football and basketball official.
    Reginald's contributions have earned him numerous honors and recognitions, such as the Toledo Branch NAACP Emerging Young Community Leader award and recognition as an Emerging Leader by the African American Legacy Project of Northwest Ohio. He has also been nominated for the prestigious 20 Under 40 Award.
    Reginald earned his B.A. in Communications from the University of Toledo and later completed his M.B.A. with a Specialization in Community and Economic Development from Southern New Hampshire University. Additionally, he successfully graduated from the Paul W. Barret, Jr. Graduate School of Banking program at Christian Brothers University in Memphis, Tennessee.
    Reginald and his wife of 20 years, Jeanna, reside in Holland, Ohio, where they raise their son, Collin.

    Betsy Conway

    Director, Lowe’s Foundation

    As director of the Lowe’s Foundation, Betsy Conway is responsible for the strategic execution of the Foundation’s Gable Grants, a national program that provides funding to community and technical colleges and community-based nonprofit organizations to help prepare individuals for careers in the skilled trades. She joined Lowe’s in 2019. Betsy has more than 10 years of community relations and corporate philanthropic experience. In a prior role at Lowe’s, she led the company’s volunteer program and community partnerships in the Charlotte region as director, community relations. Before joining Lowe’s, she served as a director of community engagement at Novant Health and manager of community affairs at Duke Energy. Betsy earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism from UNC Chapel Hill and a master’s degree in integrated marketing communications from Northwestern University. She serves on the boards of directors for the Lynnwood Foundation and Central Piedmont Community College Foundation. .

    Cheryl Peterson

    Advisor, Affordable Lending , Fannie Mae

    Cheryl Peterson is an Advisor on Fannie Mae’s Affordable Lending team and works to improve inequities in housing and increase access to homebuyer readiness services and financial education through collaboration with a wide range of industry stakeholders; in order to understand emerging market needs and develop responses aligned with the Company’s historic mission, regulatory mandates and business objectives.
    Previously she led efforts to prevent foreclosures and reduce credit losses through partnerships with lenders, housing counseling organizations in markets across the country. She joined Fannie Mae in 2010 to be a direct link to non-profit organizations working with borrowers in distress. Cheryl has over 20 plus years experience working with non-profits and affordable housing initiatives.

    David McGee

    Executive Director of Build Wealth Minnesota

    David McGee is a Business Administration Graduate, who is considered an emerging leader in his community who has spent over 40 years in the Banking and Financial Services field. He has worked in the affordable housing, residential lending and the Secondary Market Investment industry for much of his career including 5 years auditing failed banks and savings & loan thrifts across the country during the late 80s & 90s. He has spent many years serving and empowering members of his community, serving on boards and working with various community organizations.
    David is the founder and current Executive Director of Build Wealth Minnesota (BWMN); which is a 501c3 non-profit designated as a Community Development Financial Institution by the US Department of Treasury. Since 2004 BWMN has worked to help thousands of families become self-sufficient and build assets while attaining sustainable social and economic wealth.
    David has been training underserved populations in financial literacy education for over 20 years. He began training bank personnel in Residential Mortgage Underwriting in 1993 and later began to train members of underserved communities. In addition to developing and administering culturally sensitive courses in Credit Awareness, Residential Mortgage Underwriting, Loan Origination, Loan Processing, Homeownership education etc. He has been certified locally and nationally in several capacities including housing development, loan origination, homebuyer education, financial literacy, credit counseling and other social leadership roles.
    David has also been a minister through his local church for the past 15 years where he operates as one of the Sunday School Teachers, works in the healing ministry and is an Elder and Trustee of the church.

    Evelyn Flores

    Financial Opportunity Center® Coordinator, Retail, Arts, Innovation & Livability CDC

    Evelyn Flores , Mexican-born and Co-founder of Village de Amor, a non-profit dedicated to ending homelessness for teens after foster care, has always had a passion for advocating for people without a voice and speaking up when she sees injustice being done. Today, she serves as the Financial Opportunity Center Coordinator® for RAIL CDC in Mesa, AZ, and has recently decided to continue her education at Mesa Community College for Political Science.

    Silvana Bastante

    Program Officer, LISC Boston

    Silvana Bastante serves as the Program Officer for LISC Boston's Green Homes and Economic Opportunity initiatives. In this role, Silvana co-leads the strategic direction for the local Financial Opportunity Centers (FOCs) and Bridges to Career Opportunities programs and supports the Green Homes initiatives at the nexus of Affordable Housing and energy efficiency.
    Prior to joining LISC, Silvana worked as a Research Assistant while in school at the University of Central Florida’s (UCF) Downtown Center for Public and Nonprofit Management, and broadly in family and early literacy programs in South Florida, primarily helping immigrant families access local resources for education and financial support.

    Joseph Ceasar

    Executive Director, Legacy Institute for Financial Education (LIFE)

    Joseph Ceasar is the Founder and Executive Director of the Legacy Institute for Financial Education (LIFE) located in Lufkin, Texas where he and his wife Allanah reside. LIFE's mission is to financially empower families through the teaching of financial literacy, creation of economic stability, and building generational wealth. Joe has over 20 years of experience as an Investment Advisor where he developed his passion for empowering under served households to create generational wealth. He is the Minister of the Lubbock Street Church of Christ and serves on several Boards of Directors including the Lufkin I.S.D. Board of Trustees, Angelina County Citizen’s Chamber of Commerce, and Angelina Thrive. In 2021, he was selected to serve as a Rubinger Community Fellow by the LISC. His article titled, “Changing the Economic Game in Rural America: Overcoming Financial Trauma” was recently featured by Nonprofit Quarterly, a national publication. Joe holds a Master’s in Business Administration from the University of Houston’s Bauer College of Business and a Bachelors of Science in American Politics from the United States Military Academy @ West Point.

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    Shanika McClelland McClelland

    Wealth Building and Community Development Program Officer, LISC Virginia

    Shanika was most recently a Program Specialist for a nonprofit partner, Humankind, which operates one of our most successful FOC’s. She has worked as a financial coach for approximately 8 years and also managed a national award-winning Ways to Work program. Shanika has been considered a leader among her peers throughout her time in this role. Prior to her work with FOC’s Shanika had a career in communications, serving in marketing and media affairs for some notable organizations in Richmond, including the public transit company. She was a news anchor, reporter and director at Southern Broadcasting in Tennessee from 1994-2000.

    Shanika is a graduate of Ball State University, in Muncie, Indiana where she received a Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunications- Broadcast News. She received her Masters of Arts Degree in Corporate Communications from Austin Peay University in Clarksville, TN. In her free time, Shanika enjoys walks with her dog-Bowser and spending time with friends and family. She is a member of her church choir and adores her son-Markus, who is a college student and the light of her life.

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    Sitara Govender

    Innovation Programs Director, Wayne Metropolitan Community Action Agency

    Sitara Govender, Innovative Programs Director, is an experienced community action professional skilled in program design and evaluation. She leads the Innovation Lab Department at Wayne Metropolitan Community Action Agency, focusing on innovative and transformative approaches to programming. Sitara is passionate about maximizing impact within communities through the lens of human-centered design. She holds a Master of Science and Bachelor of Science from Madonna University.

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    Lisa Price

    Lead Financial Access and Asset Building Program Manager, Wells Fargo Foundation’s Financial Health Philanthropy Team

    Lisa Price is vice president and Lead Financial Access and Asset Building Program Manager for the Wells Fargo Foundation’s Financial Health Philanthropy team. Lisa oversees corporate-wide financial inclusion and asset building programs serving low to moderate income diverse and underserved communities. Prior to this role, Lisa was the Community Development Officer for Arizona, representing Wells Fargo in community and economic development activities. Lisa joined Wells Fargo in 2013 and brings 13 years’ experience in community development. Prior to joining Wells Fargo, she was with the City of Phoenix Community Development Division. Lisa earned her undergraduate degree in business from Arizona State University. Active in many professional and community organizations, Lisa is Chair of LISC Phoenix’s Local Advisory Committee and serves on FSL’s Community Based Development Organization. Lisa grew up in Phoenix, A.Z., and currently lives in the Phoenix Area with her family

    speaker headshot

    Scarlett Andrews

    Deputy Mayor of Economic Development for the City of Indianapolis.

    Scarlett Andrews serves as Deputy Mayor of Economic Development for the City of Indianapolis. Prior to assuming this role in December 2022, Andrews served two years as director for the Department of Metropolitan Development (DMD), where she led the City’s community and economic development, affordable housing, planning and zoning, and historic preservation. As Deputy Mayor, she focuses on Indianapolis’ downtown recovery strategy and negotiations of major real estate economic development transactions, including the City Market Campus, Cole Motor Redevelopment, Elanco HQ, the sixth expansion of the Indiana Convention Center at Pan Am Plaza, affordable housing, mixed use office and commercial developments, and brownfield redevelopment projects. Scarlett moved to Indianapolis from New Orleans in 2015 and began her tenure with Mayor Hogsett’s administration as a project manager in 2017. She is a board member of Tourism Tomorrow Indy and the White River State Park Commission. Andrews graduated with an undergraduate degree in International Studies and Spanish from the University of Mississippi and holds an MA in Latin American Studies from Tulane University.


    We know that you have questions about the 2023 Financial Opportunity Center® (FOC) National Convening!
    To help, we’ve assembled a list of our most common questions and their answers to help you get the information you need quickly. Our team will continue to update this page with new questions we receive about the 2023 FOC National Convening. If you do not see the answer to your question on this page, please contact us at focinfo@lisc.org.

    The FOC National Convening will bring together LISC’s local and national staff, Bridges to Career Opportunities and Financial Opportunity Center® staff, key intermediary partners in the skills training and financial stability fields, and key donors. This is an opportunity to learn from other organizations, share best practices and gain valuable insights and tools to drive positive change for our organizations and communities.
    Attendance at the FOC National Convening is limited to LISC staff, LISC FOC/Bridges partners and other invited guests. Please note that the 2023 FOC National Convening is able to accommodate up to two staff members from each FOC site, at least one of which should be a FOC program manager or director.
    There is no cost to register for the FOC National Convening.
    Yes. We provide daily breakfasts and lunch during the full days of the convening, and several coffee breaks throughout the convening. The Welcome Reception includes refreshments and snacks. Lunch will be provided during the Pre-conference trainings on day 1 and breakfast will be provided during the Pre-conference trainings on day 2.
    You must register for a Pre-conference training using the FOC National Convening registration form.
    No. The Pre-Conference activities are half-day events. Pre-conference trainings will be held on Tuesday, October 10 from 12pm to 4pm, and Wednesday, October 11, from 9am to 12pm. The site visits to two Indianapolis Financial Opportunity Center® sites will be held on the afternoon of October 11, from 1pm to 5pm.
    The cost of the hotel accommodation and travel is not included in registration. Attendees are responsible for their own accommodations and travel costs. Please check the event site for the hotel information and how to book your accommodations.
    Yes. If you do not receive your email confirmation within 24 hours, please check your email spam folder and then contact us at focinfo@lisc.org.
    Online registration closes, Friday, September 15, 2023 at 11:59pm.
    You can pick up your badge at the Registration Desk any time during registration hours.
    The dress code for the FOC National Convening is business casual for all participants. Convening rooms can get chilly, so we recommend layers for your comfort.
    Select keynote sessions may be recorded and made on the FOC Network Practitioner Website.
    If you have special needs and/or dietary restrictions, please do let us know when registering.
    The event program includes breakout sessions to allow for discussions between participants, as well as a networking reception on the afternoon of Wednesday, October 12.
    Yes. The program for the 2023 FOC National Convening is posted online as soon as it is finalized.
    No. Registered participants can attend any session listed in the convening schedule on a first come, first serve basis, based on room size. (Note: This does not include optional pre-conference activities, for which registration is required.)
    We invite you to share your questions, concerns, and creative suggestions to make the 2023 FOC National Convening a success by emailing us at focinfo@lisc.org.